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logback 설정 정보 확인하기 http://logback.qos.ch/manual/introduction.html Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction The morale effects are startling. Enthusiasm jumps when there is a running system, even a simple one. Efforts redouble when the first picture from a new graphics software system appears on the screen, even if it is only a rectangle. logback.qos.ch public class HelloWorld2 { public static void main(Stri.. 2020. 6. 10.
스프링부트 로그레벨 변경 application.properties에 로그레벨을 다 설정하고 나서 라이브 환경에 적용해놓은 상황에서 부트 실행시 로그레벨 변경하는 방법에 대해서 정리한다. 패키지명 : com.karint, aa.bb 1. 환경변수 설정 export LOGGING_LEVEL_COM_KARINT=DEBUG export LOGGING_LEVEL_AA_BB=DEBUG java -jar ./target/libs/spring.jar 2. JVM OPTION 설정 java -jar -Dlogging.level.com.karint=DEBUG -Dlogging.level.aa.bb=DEBUG ./target/libs/spring.jar 출처 : https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.9.RE.. 2020. 5. 20.
gradle_user_home 디렉토리 설정 출처 https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_environment.html#sec:gradle_environment_variables Build Environment Configuring an HTTP or HTTPS proxy (for downloading dependencies, for example) is done via standard JVM system properties. These properties can be set directly in the build script; for example, setting the HTTP proxy host would be done with System.setPrope docs.gradle.org 별도로 gr.. 2020. 4. 23.
Springboot change timezone Spring boot 실행시 timezone 변경 Springboot 구동 완료시 기본 timezone을 설정 @EnableAutoConfiguration public class SeaSpringApplication { private static final String timeZone = "Asia/Singapore"; @PostConstruct public void init(){ // java.util.Date default timezone setting TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone)); // joda.time.DateTime default timezone setting DateTimeZone.setDefault(DateTimeZone.get.. 2020. 4. 21.